Give managers the flexibility to review and approve key tasks on their schedule, without disrupting daily operations or team scores. Ideal for managers on the move, this setting ensures important tasks like wastage records and incident reports get the necessary oversight without slowing teams down.
This is a Standard Plan feature. Upgrade your plan from your billing page.
Configure sign-off in the Content tab
Use the Sign-off setting to require approval after a task has been completed.
If this setting is on, the task can be completed as usual, but will also move into a Pending approval status.
This setting can be applied to task templates and action templates
Find tasks requiring approval
Completed tasks requiring approval can be found in a number of ways:
a. View completed tasks at the top of each day on the trail. Tasks requiring approval will have an Approve button available.
b. Use Search tasks and filter by tasks Pending Approval in the Shortcuts bar at the top.
c. Visit Task Reports and filter by Pending Approval in the shortcuts bar or using the report filters.
Approve tasks
Tasks that require sign-off will display an Approve button.
If a user has permission to approve tasks, hitting Approve will mark the task with an 'Approved' timestamp underneath the 'Completed' timestamp.
Admins and Managers automatically have permission to approve tasks and custom roles can be granted permission to approve tasks.
You can read more about user roles here
If the current user doesn't have permission, users can also use their PIN code to approve a task (as long as they have permission to approve tasks).
Tasks that have been reviewed will receive a second timestamp confirming the time and date it was reviewed (and by who).
Grant review & approve permission
To grant permission to Review & approve completed tasks, check the permission in the Tasks tab in the custom role creator.
Managers and Admins can review and approve tasks by default.