Creating & Managing Areas

Areas allow sites to be organised into groups

Jade Summers avatar
Written by Jade Summers
Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘ Note: Areas are only available on The Standard Plan

What are Areas?

Areas allow sites to be organised into groups. This is especially useful with larger organisations that have many sites, as areas can be used as a filter for reporting.

Some examples of how to set up areas are:

  • Physical Locations - e.g. If an organisation has sites close together in many locations they may want to group them by location.

  • Different Reporting Groups - e.g. Sites grouped by which Operations Manager they report to.

How do I create an area?

  • Head to the admin navigation in the top right hand corner of Trail

  • Select 'Areas' & hit 'New Area'

  • One the new area has been named hit 'Save'

How do I assign sites to an Area?

  • Head to your 'Site Settings' using the admin navigation in the top right-hand corner

  • Select the site you would like to assign to an Area

  • In the Site Settings you'll see a dropdown that says 'Area' - from there you'll be able to pick from the available list

  • Save & close your changes

How do I filter by an area for reporting?

  • Head to the 'Reports' tab

  • Select 'Task Reports'

  • Select the 'Sites' filter - at the top of the list of Sites will be the list of your Areas

How do I assign a user to an Area?

πŸ’‘ Note: Only Manager Permission Level users can be assigned to an Area. Admins have access to all Sites as standard & team-level users can only be assigned to a single Site.

  • Head to the 'Users' page using the admin navigation in the top right-hand corner

  • Select the user profile you would like to assign

  • Scroll down to the 'Site Access' section - you will see the list of Areas that are available to assign the user to.

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