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Customise bespoke checklists

Create bespoke content for your sites and keep brand standards high.

Caroline Joyce avatar
Written by Caroline Joyce
Updated over 8 months ago

You know best what it takes to maintain the brand standards that keep your sites beloved by customers. That's why we encourage you to design bespoke checklists on Trail, comprising all of the tasks that reflect excellence on site.

Centrally managed tasks

The Template Library is a great starting place as you begin to recreate the paper documentation you once used in your business. However, because these templates are designed to appeal to our wider customer base they likely wont cover everything you need to keep things running smoothly on site.

Now is the time to create brand-specific content for your teams. Often, these tasks are in the form of a simple checklist. To get started, click the 'Create task' button on your Manage Tasks page. This will give you a blank template with which to get started.

The Task Editor is split into four different sections

For the purposes of this article, we'll be focusing on the Checklist section of the Content tab. It's still important to update other tabs accordingly though!

  • Content - This is where you will configure what you want your teams to see & complete. This includes: titles, task descriptions, checklists, record logs to enter data and settings for the comments box.

  • Schedule - This is where you decide when you want your task to be completed.

  • Assign - To specify where you want your task to be seen; this includes the sites, tags & permission levels of the task.

  • Report - This determines who needs to know when the task has been done.
    πŸ’‘ Note: This tab will only be available on The Standard Plan.

Remember, once changes have been made to each tab hit 'Publish' to make changes live or hit 'Save Draft' to make more edits later.

Creating checklists

Click 'Add item' to create your first checklist item. You’ll be able to see these items in the running preview to the right of the Task Editor. It's likely that you'll have copies of the existing checklists that you use on site handy- just copy and paste those checklists into the first field and Trail will automatically create individual items. No need to painstakingly copy and paste each item!

As you create these checklists, consider which items will apply to all of your sites. The goal here is to create a basic blueprint that is applicable to and can be assigned to every site. Assigning the same task list to majority sites will make reporting on and comparing sites easier later on. We'll review the best way to add or remove specific items at site level next!

Customising checklists at site level

Now that you've assigned tasks with checklist items that are largely applicable to all sites, it's time to customise at site level.

Let's assume that a checklist you've assigned to all sites contains items that aren't applicable to a particular site. First, navigate to that site from Complete Tasks.

Find the task with checklist items that aren't relevant at this site. Next to each item, you'll see a flag icon. Click this icon next to the item you would like to remove from this site and select 'not applicable' followed by 'never applicable.'

This action removes the checklist item from all future instances of the task, but only for this site!

Alternatively, you may need to add a checklist item to the task. Simply click 'Add checklist item,' enter the task to be done, and tick 'Repeat every time' followed by 'Save.' This new item will appear on every new instance of the task but again, only for this site.

By creating tasks with shared checklists that have been updated to reflect site-specific differences, you'll be able to compare and report on all sites easily while still accounting for variations across sites. πŸ™Œ

πŸ’‘ Note: It's not just Admin-level users that can update checklists at site level! All Managers and any Custom Roles with this functionality enabled will be able to make changes to checklists at the sites they are assigned to. This can help take the pressure off of you as Admin, and give your Managers the autonomy to manage their own content as needed.


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