Sometimes you'll need to complete tasks on an ad-hoc basis. These won't be on your daily view of Trail but can be added as required on demand.
Accident reports, food poisoning, damages - not everything can be planned for and not everything can be scheduled.
Ad-hoc tasks are any tasks, such as Accident and Incident forms, that you will want to add to Trail as they happen.
Below are the steps to add an ad-hoc task to today's task listing on your Complete Tasks page.
Step 1
Ad-hoc tasks can be added using the "Add Task" button in the top right-hand corner of the Complete Tasks page.
Step 2
This will take you to the Add Task to Trail page. If you know the title of the ad-hoc task you can use the search bar to find it. Click on the button that says “Add” next to the form you want to add to Trail.
Step 3
You’ll then be taken back to your Complete Tasks page, with the ad-hoc task at the top of the “Now” section.
💡 Note: if you’d like to remove the ad-hoc task, click where it says “Remove” in the top right hand corner of the task. This will bring up a dialogue box asking if you’re sure you want to remove it from the Trail. Click “OK” if you’re sure. This will remove any information you’ve added to the task, as well.
Searching for a task that isn't scheduled as ad-hoc
Using the "Search Tasks" function will show you the history of previous tasks you have done including today's task instances.
Once "Search Tasks" has been selected, you’ll be able to use the search bar to look for a specific task. Click “History” and select the first task listed to view the last instance of the task.