Field Types
How data is updated in Record Logs will depend on what kind of field they are.
โRead an overview of Record Logs and field types here.
A Record Log can have multiple Records for each task. Think of these like new rows on a table. (E.g. 3 rows of fridges, for recording data on 3 different fridges)
Each Record is made up of a series of fields. Each field can be one of four types: Text, Number, Options, File or Photo and Section Title.
Update a Text field
For example: Fridge/Freezer name
To change a list of items that have been entered as free text (e.g. names of fridges) simply update the item(s) you want to change.ย
If the field has been set to repeat, the new value will be present for future versions of the task if the task has been marked as done.
Update an Options field
For example: Equipment type
Select from the relevant options provided
Admins can make a change to the list of options from the edit Task page
Update a Number field
For example: Temperature
Simply enter the value in the box provided
If you enter a value outside the acceptable, set range - a warning will pop up
Admins can set an acceptable max. and min. range from the edit Task page
If fields are locked to managers and admins
If, as a Team Member, a field can't be edited, you'll need a Manager or Admin to follow the same steps as above.ย
Note - Record Logs have 2 views
Form view, for entering data
Table view, for reviewing data
Switch between the views using the buttons to the top-right of the Record Log.
Changes to your Record Log (Team and Standard plans only)
If you would like your Record Log adapted, please discuss with your Trail Admins/Head Office
If you're unsure as to who that is, shoot us a message via the intercom chat - our support team will loop in the relevant person for you
Admins can make Record Log changes - here's an article for more information