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Overview of the Task Editor

Add content, schedule and assign tasks to sites

Amy Dignon avatar
Written by Amy Dignon
Updated over a week ago

The Task Editor can be used to update or create a task.

How to edit an existing task

  • Go to the 'Manage Tasks' page

  • Select the pencil icon next to the task that needs editing ✏️

  • You can also select the title of the task and hit 'Edit' on the preview

How to create a brand new task

  • Go to the 'Manage Tasks' page

  • Hit the 'Create Task' button in the top right-hand corner

  • Start filling out each of the tabs available for building a task

The Task Editor is split into four different sections

  • Content - This is where you will configure what you want your teams to see & complete. This includes: titles, task descriptions, checklists, record logs to enter data and settings for the comments box.

  • Schedule - This is where you decide when you want your task to be completed.

  • Assign - To specify where you want your task to be seen; this includes the sites, tags & permission levels of the task.

  • Report - This determines who needs to know when the task has been done.
    💡 Note: This tab will only be available on The Standard Plan.

Once the changes have been made to each tab hit 'Publish' to make these changes live or hit 'Save Draft' to make more edits later.

The Content tab of the Task Editor

Name your task:

You’ll want to choose a short, clear, concise title that sums up what task the teams will be completing. Try and avoid jargon where possible!

Write a task description

The description box is an excellent tool to empower your teams to complete the task without you.

This box provides important context & instructions on how to complete a task. You may want to include:

  • How the task should be completed

  • What success looks like when the task is done

  • How to raise/escalate any issues they encounter

  • Any relevant information that teams will need to know for the task e.g. acceptable temperature ranges or brand standards to follow.

You’re also able to format the text in your task description - more on that here.

Create a checklist

Filling out each field will create its own checklist item. You’ll be able to see this in the running preview on the right of the Task Editor.

To reorder items, simply drag and drop them into the correct place.

Convert items to a header to help break up the checklist into sections using the arrow icon next to the field. To delete an item, use the bin icon next to the field.

As a default, all checklist items will need to be completed before a task can be closed.

To remove this setting, uncheck the “All checklist items must be checked off to complete the task” box. This means that the task can be closed even if all checklist items aren’t completed.

Attach a file or link

Here you can upload a file/photo (by clicking on the button that says 'Upload File') or you can add a link to a website by copying and pasting (or typing) the link into the box and clicking 'Add link'.

Clicking 'Attach another file or link', will bring up another section where you can add another file or link.

Examples of things you may want to include:

  • A photograph of how something should look when it’s been set up

  • A relevant document on how to complete the task

  • A link to a video that might be helpful in completing the task

Add a Record Log

💡 Note: Editing and creating Record Logs is only available on our Team & Standard Plans.

Record Logs are used when teams need to input data more such as temperatures or comments, instead of using a checklist item.

Type of Record Log

First, select a type of Record Log format for your audit, once selected you will have to give each new Record Log a title.

The two options are:

Table - This option allows for multiple sets of records within one task. Here you’re able to set a minimum expected number of records, as well as restrict the ability for your teams to add or remove records. If a minimum number of expected records is set the team will have to enter in this amount, but they’re able to add more if needed. We recommend using the Table format for things like temperature or equipment checks.

Form - This option allows for one record per task, this format is better for long-form Record Logs like audits & reports.

Which Fields should I use?

There are 5 fields to choose from when using a Record Log. Select 'Add Field' to choose your field from the drop-down menu.


This is a free text field for written answers from the team, answers can be short or long. (e.g. Name of a food item, or a written explanation of an incident in an accident report.)


Teams can provide numerical answers to questions, e.g. Temperatures

  • A prefix or a suffix can be added to a number field to give an expected unit of measurement e.g. £ or °C

  • An acceptable range can also be set. For example, an acceptable temperature range of 0°C - 5°C.

Acceptable ranges can also be set based on answers given by an options field. e.g. For a Fridge/Freezer temperature check task.

For example, if the options question is “Type of Unit”- when the team answers “Fridge” the acceptable range for answers can be set to 0°C to 5°C. But if the team selects “Freezer” the acceptable range can be set for -1000°C to -18°C

Exceptions & Corrective actions can be added for out-of-range answers - more on that here.

Date & Time

Using this field type teams can record the date, time or both. Simply select the buttons for the required input that needs to be recorded.

This field can be used to record additional information alongside the task time stamp. For example, the time a visitor arrived on site, or when the last date a piece of equipment was maintained.


The team can answer a multiple-choice question here.

There are display options for this task, answers can appear in a dropdown menu, or as buttons.

There is also the ability to assign scores to answers by selecting 'Scores'

By default, there are three types of scores:

  • Positive - contributes to the total score

  • Zero or Negative - also contributes to the total

  • Blank - excluded from the total

A common Option field would look like this:

  • Yes - 1 point

  • No - 0 points

  • N/A - Blank

Or alternatively, give a rating with matching scores:

Exceptions & Corrective actions can be added for out-of-range answers - more on that here.


The team can attach files or photos to add supporting evidence to a task.

This is what it will look like to your teams:

Select 'Repeats' to allow the file or image a user has added to appear each time the task populates in this field. This is useful for sites adding site-specific information to a task (e.g. where equipment is located or how a task should look when it's finished)

Section Title

Break up tasks into sections using the section title.

Field Settings


By selecting this box, teams will not be able to close the task without filling out the field. The ability to add a custom message explaining this to the team is available.


By selecting this box, only manager or admin-level users will be able to complete the field. This is a useful tool for manager sign-offs.


By selecting this box, anything written in this field on the Complete Tasks page will be repeated each time the task populates until the field is overwritten with something new.

This is good for temperature checks if your teams check the same items daily, for example, if they probe chicken, beef or fish - this will be remembered the next time the task populates.

Log Exception

Undesirable answers can be flagged as an exception, there’s also the ability to add custom messaging that shows when an undesirable answer is selected or something is out of range - more info on exceptions here.

Request Action

Corrective Actions can be requested following an undesirable answer, as it's requested and not required - this is not mandatory for the team.

Selecting 'Request Action' will automatically log this answer as an exception - more on Corrective Actions here.

Require Action

Corrective actions can be required following an undesirable answer. Teams will not be able to close the task until follow-up actions have been created for all undesirable answers. Learn more about corrective actions here.

Below is how this will look to the team if the answer is selected that requires corrective action.

When completing the task, hitting the 'Raise Corrective Action' button will bring up a dialogue box on the 'Complete Tasks' page. This will allow you to create a follow-up action.

Mandatory Photos and Comments

Select these boxes to make adding comments or files and photos mandatory.

Ticking these boxes will mean that the task cannot be completed without attaching a comment or file with it. Perfect for when you want to create a task for visual checks e.g. setting up a bar or proof of a clean kitchen.

If the supporting file is not uploaded, a warning message will appear to prompt them to complete this before hitting 'Done' when filling out the task.

Scheduling Tab

Here you’re able to choose a schedule for your task.

There are 3 main kinds of schedules available:

  • Repeats - For things that repeat Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Annually. Multiple schedules can be added for tasks that need to appear more than once a day.

  • One-off - Good for tasks like setting up new pieces of equipment or events.

  • Ad-hoc - These tasks will appear on the site's Complete Tasks page under the “Add Tasks” button, they can be added for use when needed.

Find more detailed information on scheduling here.

Assign Tab

Here you are able to assign tasks to sites, create and choose your tags & select your task permissions.

💡 Note: Tasks will need to be assigned to appear on a site's Complete Tasks page. Remember that tasks can also be bulk-assigned to several sites at once from the Task Planner.

Assigning to site(s)

Simply choose from the list of sites available which site requires the newly created task. Choose “Select all” to apply to all sites, or use the search bar at the top to help choose a specific site.

Assigning tasks to Users or Roles

As an account Admin on a Standard Plan you can assign tasks to a particular role or to individual users, as well as assign to sites.

💡 Important: If a task is assigned to users, it will only be seen by the specific roles or users selected in the Users section on the Assign tab in the Complete Tasks view.

To view tasks by the assigned user or roles in Task Reports, use the new Roles or Users filters, which can be found via the Add filter button.

You can read more about Assigning tasks to Users or Roles here.


Tags can be used to assign tasks to departments, more on tags and how useful they can be here.

To create a new tag, hit “Create a new tag” or select a previously created tag to assign it.

💡 Note: Remember that tags can also be bulk-assigned to several tasks at once from the Task Planner on the Manage Tasks page.


Permissions are where you determine which users are able to make updates to your centrally managed tasks. By default, users with an Admin system role will be able to edit all tasks from the Manage Tasks page.

However, if you've created a Custom Role with "Create/Edit/Delete/Assign additional tasks at sites they're assigned to" enabled, you may choose to give users assigned to that role the ability to edit, assign or reschedule certain tasks that you create.

If a Custom Role should be able make changes to any aspect of a task you've created, select "Roles with permission can assign and copy this task to edit the schedule tab."

​Otherwise, if these roles should only have access to the Title, Schedule and Assign tabs, select "Roles with permission can assign and copy this task to edit the schedule tab."

Report Tab


Turning this toggle on lets you, or any other relevant Admins/Managers, receive notifications when the task has been completed. This is perfect for keeping tabs on critical tasks, learn more about Getting Reports Delivered to your inbox here.

Additional task settings

  • Publish - This publishes the task for use.

  • Save as draft - This saves the task as a draft

  • Padlock - This locks the task content from being edited.

'More' Options drop-down

  • Archive - This will archive the task - more on task statuses here.

  • Make a Copy - this will create a copy of the task - more on copying tasks below.

Copying a Task

If you want to create a new task that’s similar to an existing one, you can hit 'Make a Copy’. This will create an identical duplicate version of the task you’re on, with the same details, including schedule, sites and settings.

You’ll need to change the name and schedule, plus any other details necessary but it can save you a lot of time when creating tasks!

Any changes made to shared Record Logs will be reflected on other tasks that use it, too. So if a copied task contains a Record Log, any changes made to the copy will affect the original. To remove the link, you can hit the 'Unlink' button - more info on unlinking Record Logs here.

Here's a handy video to walk you through copying a task:

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