What are Logic Jumps?
Logic Jumps enable you to incorporate conditional branching within your tasks, providing the ability to skip or direct to different fields based on previous responses or selections. By leveraging Logic Jumps, you can generate dynamic and personalised tasks for users while optimising time utilisation.
How do I create a Logic Jump?
To create a Logic Jump, you need to follow these steps:
Select a record log option field on the task editor (For more information about creating/editing record logs, read our introduction to record logs & recording data)
Click on the "Add logic jump" button below the "Add option" section (this will open a new section where you can configure your Logic Jump).
3. Set the conditions and the jump destination for your Logic Jump.
You need to specify which option or options will trigger the jump, and where the jump will lead to.
You can choose from existing fields further along the record log, or create new fields on the fly. You can also jump to the end of the task if you want to skip all the remaining fields.
You can add multiple Logic Jumps to the same option field by clicking on the "+ Add New Jump" button again.
You can also add Logic Jumps to other option fields on the same task by repeating the same steps.
4. Review and save your task. Make sure your Logic Jumps are working as intended and there are no errors or conflicts by checking the task itself.
How do I edit or delete a Logic Jump?
To edit or delete a Logic Jump, you need to follow these steps:
1. Select the option field that has the Logic Jump you want to edit or delete.
2. Expand or contract the Logic Jump section by clicking on the icon next to it. This will show or hide the details of your Logic Jump.
3. Edit or delete your Logic Jump as needed. You can change the conditions or the jump destination of your Logic Jump by using the dropdown menus. You can also delete your Logic Jump by clicking on the "X" icon next to it.
4. Review and save your task. Press the Publish button to make sure your changes are reflected and there are no errors or conflicts.
How do I view and complete tasks with Logic Jumps?
You don’t need to do anything differently when adding a logic jump, simply fill out a record log as you normally would and jumps will be activated
To view and complete tasks with Logic Jumps, you need to follow these steps:
Complete the task as usual. When you reach an option field that has a Logic Jump, select the option or options that apply to you. Depending on your selection, you will either see the next field in the record log, or jump directly to a different field or the end of the task.
Submit your task as usual when done. Your task report will show only the fields that you have completed and skipped any fields that were jumped over by Logic Jumps.
Will Logic Jumps affect our scores?
No, if a question is skipped due to a Logic Jump, this will not affect scores.
More information on how scores work here.
What about scores in my record logs?
The current and total score within record logs will only be the current and total of displayed fields - if a question is skipped, the total score will adjust to reflect this.
More information on using scores within record logs here.