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Managing your subscription
Managing your subscription

Find out how to manage subscriptions here

Ben Peck avatar
Written by Ben Peck
Updated over 7 months ago

Trail offers 2 simple subscription plans. There's more on what the Team and Standard plans offer, here.

The Free Trial

Everyone gets a 14-day free trial. Get set up, get comfortable and feel free to cancel anytime.

If you're in your free trial period and decide not to continue with Trail, if you haven't yet entered billing information the free trial will just expire once the 14 days are up.

Once a subscription is set up after the free trial period and you’ve activated your account by entering your billing details, it is charged for 1 site minimum (live or otherwise) and every live site thereafter.

This means that for each billing period, this number of sites will be charged regardless of site status.


Sonia’s Sweet Shop has just finished the free trial on 1st Jan and has set their 3 sites to go live on 1st February. They will be billed for one site until 1st February and after they will be billed for all 3 live sites.

More about the free trial here.

Pay per site

In Trail, everything revolves around Sites, Trail's pricing model works on a per-site basis. A site might be a location, store or unit - usually a distinct physical area with its own processes and reporting.

💡 Note: Only Managers and Admins can manage sites.

Live sites

You can create as many sites as you like on the Team or Standard Plan.

As per our terms and conditions, you will be charged for a minimum of 1 site after the free trial ends, and subsequent sites once they're set to Live.

Your subscription will then be updated and you'll be charged a pro-rata rate for any sites added. If you have no live sites and plan to keep it that way for a while we recommend Pausing or Cancelling your subscription so that you’ll stop being charged.

You can request to pause or cancel your subscription from your Billing Panel, alternatively you can reach out to


Tilly’s Tagliatelle has 3 live sites billed on the 1st of each month. Their 4th site goes live on the 15th of May. Their June invoice will contain the usual 4 sites charge per month plus 15 days' worth of the 4th Site.

Live dates

You will always be billed for a site from the date it goes live in Trail whether you set the site to go live today, or in two weeks' time. If the date is in the middle of a billing cycle you will be charged pro-rata for this site on your next monthly invoice.

If you’ve accidentally set a site live when you didn’t mean to, reach out to us and we can sort this out for you.

Inactive sites

New teams and managers can safely explore Inactive Sites - their changes won't be saved or reported on.

You can also set a Site to Inactive - even temporarily - and your invoice will be updated from the next invoice.

Changing your subscription

You can change, pause, or request to cancel your subscription anytime via the Billing Panel.

Changing Plan

Simply go into your Billing Panel, click ‘ Change Plan’ and select your new Plan.

Pausing your subscription

We completely understand that sometimes you may need to pause your account for all sorts of reasons. If you’d like to pause your Trail account, select the Pause Subscription option when clicking on the Change Subscription button in the Billing Panel.

Or just let us know through or the chat box online and we can sort that for you. You won’t be billed for the period of time you’re paused and you can pick back up whenever you’re ready as you left.

Cancelling your subscription

You can request to cancel your Trail account at any time. Just pop into your billing panel and scroll to the ‘Change Subscription’ button. From here, you’ll be prompted to just provide some feedback and this will also alert our accounts team to cancel your account for you.

Change Billing Details

You can update your billing address, billing email or VAT number from your Billing Panel by clicking on the Stripe Portal. There's some more detail on exactly how to do this in our article here


Alternatively, you can contact who will be able to help with this.

Change Payment Method

You're able to update your payment by going to the Billing Page and going to the payment method section:

If you're editing an existing payment method, click on the pencil icon that is on the right of your existing payment method.

Viewing Invoices

To view & download the latest invoices, you can do this in your Billing Panel by clicking on the Stripe Portal.


For Finance Hub customers your Billing Panel will have two links to choose from:

  • The Stripe Portal Link - for any invoices issued before August 2024.

  • Finance Hub Link - for any invoices after August 2024.

If this is your first time using the Finance Hub, you will have to sign up using the Customer Success Portal Registration Form.

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